ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)
Communication has been one of the main topics being discussed by companies worldwide.
As ethical and environmental well-being is being sought after in today’s modern
market, lots of companies try to implement and communicate the importance of
ESG into society. Living in the modern world, every brand, company, and
organization must have an online presence in order to gain awareness. Social
media has become as powerful as the press as it increases the chances of marketing,
showcasing products, and also communicating values in a personalized way.
The presence of online media drives more transparency
and ethical responsibility–the two has become the essential components of
corporate strategy, Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) communication
stands out as a key factor in building trust and fostering long-term success
for companies (Druzhba & Orekhova, 2022). Effective ESG communication is no
longer a regulatory or reputational consideration but a strategic imperative.
This article states reasons on how social media demonstrates commitment to
sustainability and ethical practices.
It Builds Trust
with Your Stakeholders
Based on a research on social media for brand
awareness, over 65% of customers are more likely to trust businesses when
executives publicly share their corporate principles on social media (ElAydi,
2018). In building trust, companies are able to show their dedication in
ethical behavior and sustainable practices by using social media to maintain an
open communication about their ESG initiatives. The open communication builds
and improves their credibility and reputation among their stakeholders.
Updating a company's ESG initiatives on social media
boosts brand identity as “sustainable” and the algorithm will attract audiences
interested in the topic. By using social media, companies can maintain existing
or new relationships with stakeholders and audiences that resonate with the
company’s values.
Upon using social media as a tool to make ESG efforts
well-known to the public eye, be it organic or paid, paid social media content
undeniably gets boosted to a larger audience faster. Not necessarily slower in
reaching your target audience, organic content brings organic traffic within
social media from people being genuinely interested in the content served. Most
of the time, organic content lasts longer than paid content.
Makes Your
Customer Feeling Satisfied
navigate through social media easily. Upon trusting a company with their
services or products, most customers will try to find out whether or not the
company has similar values to them. When they do feel their value aligns with a
company, they would leave feeling satisfied and will most likely come back to
discuss future projects. In fact, according to recent research, 83% customers
believe that organizations should aggressively adopt ESG best practices and to
actively communicate it (Keteres, 2023).
By doing so, companies develop an emotional connection
with their clients or customers. Trust built through emotional connection by
using effective brand communication from selected tools such as social media
can bring extra profit to the company. Customers will be more devoted to a
company and inclined in referring to their friends and family as they value the
company’s efforts in becoming more ethical and sustainably conscious.
Dig Deeper Into
ESG Communication
Make the most of becoming sustainable and create
effective ways to communicate it. Find more information about ESG via CPROCOM’s
social media and public trainings. Learn, discuss, and build a network with industry
practitioners who are already on their ESG journey.
Hannah, A. (2021, July 15). How can social media help businesses achieve
their ESG goals? Retrieved from LinkedIN:
Keteres. (2023, January 25). KETER. Retrieved from Keteres:
https://www.keteres.com/resource/top-3-reasons-your-business-should-share-your-esg-efforts-on-social-media#:~:text=of your business.-,Your customers' perception of your brand is vital to the,to sustainability and ethical prac
Druzhba, O., & Orekhva,
L. (2022). Communications as an ESG factor of sustainable development: analysis
of the media discourse of social networks. E3S
Web of Conferences, 1-5.
ElAydi, H. O. (2018). The
Effect of Social Media Marketing on Brand Awareness through Facebook: An
Individual-Based Perspective of Mobile Services Sector in Egypt. Open Access Library Journal, 1-5.
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